Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence...
The Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV, n.d.) provides training for advocates of domestic violence (DV) survivors and their families. This paper reflects my experiences as I worked through the first three sections of training: the history of the DV movement; the key requirements of DV advocacy; and safety planning. The primary thread throughout the training sections is the importance of providing advocacy based on survivor-empowerment and meeting clients where they are. In this paper, I also explore my role as a mental health counselor in an interdisciplinary response team working with survivors of domestic violence. History of the DV Movement The first section of the WSCADV (n.d.) training discussed the background and history of the DV movement. This section began with an audio interview (Bell Coontz, n.d.) with Stephanie Coontz, a professor of history at Evergreen State College. Coontz discussed the effect that women entering the workforce over the past century has had on the stability of marriages and families. In the fifties, the middle-class family in the United States was structured around women’s economic dependence on men. Women’s entrance into the workforce destabilized marriage for a time, but in the 1980’s, increasing divorce rates leveled off and began to decrease, and women in the workforce became (and continue to be) a marriage stabilizer. This finding, however, does not necessarily apply to low-income couples who experience moreShow MoreRelatedEssay on Research Methods Unit 9 Final1572 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract: Domestic violence against women happens around the world every day, but the main focus of location discussed in this paper is Washington State. Females are most likely to suffer domestic violence abuse from someone that they know. In such cases, it has been a spouse that is the attacker. Women escape these violent crimes and reach out for help, but not every time. Based off of the data collected, I strongly believe that females are more often victims of domestic violence than males. Read MoreThe National Coalition Against Domestic Violence860 Words  | 4 PagesDomestic violence is violent or aggressive behavior pattern in a relationship between two partners within the home. Domestic Violence typically involves one of the individuals I the relationship to be controlling and wants to take advantage and control of the other. The University of Louisiana at Monroe needs a new organization that can make a difference and give both women and men a sense of hope and safety; this solution should be the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV). The NationalRead MoreDomestic Violence And Other Lifetime Disturbance1590 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence and other lifetime disturbance can have significant mental health effects. 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Dating Violence is everywhere: in movies, on television shows, songs and newspapers, but some women are not willing to confide into someone for help. On April 5, 2005, teen tragedy was reported on ABC news, 20/ 20. Sixteen year old Marcus McTear stabbed and killedRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the Us1244 Words  | 5 PagesRough Draft: Human Trafficking and its Relationship throughout these United States A serious crime that virtually affects every country in the world is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multi-national criminal business that’s roots are tied into â€Å"trans-criminal organizations, small criminal networks and local gangs, violations of labor and immigration codes, and government corruption†(Richard, 1999; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006.). Typically human trafficking has been definedRead MoreDomestic Violence And The Civil Rights Movement1998 Words  | 8 Pagesthe issues that affected the women. The social issues were child care, domestic violence, contraception, and women’s health. One of the major topics that the feminists focused on was domestic violence that still exists in today’s day worldwide. Domestic violence is an important issue because many believe that it’s only a male-to-female action but it’s also female-to-male abuse. In addition, many assume that domestic violence is only a physical act but there are other forms of abuse such as psychologicalRead More Domestic Violence Essay with Annotated Bibliography1593 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many different types of domestic violence. Physical abuse is the most obvious form, but this is not to say that outsiders always recognize it. Generally, physical violence causes bodily harm, using a variety of methods. Slapping, pushing, throwing, hitting, punching, and strangling are only a few methods. An object or weapon may or may not be used. 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